Software Circle

Enhancing Due Diligence Services for Strategic Acquisitions

The Challenge: Software Circle is expanding its portfolio by acquiring technology-enabled companies across the UK and Europe, focusing on those with established histories and stable customer bases. However, they identified a critical gap in their capabilities regarding technology due diligence (DD). To support their acquisition strategy, they needed a trusted partner to conduct thorough technical due diligence early in the acquisition process. Additionally, ongoing development support and guidance for the acquired businesses were essential to ensure successful integration and growth.

What We Delivered: Wolf Logic partnered with Software Circle to conduct comprehensive technical due diligence investigations for all potential acquisitions. We provide risk-based reports that equip them with the insights necessary for informed decision-making, allowing Software Circle to assess the underlying technologies of target companies and mitigate long-term investment risks.

Beyond due diligence, Wolf Logic offers on-demand development support to safeguard group investments in case of emergencies. Our team provides ongoing guidance and technical assistance to the acquired businesses, ensuring their successful integration into the Software Circle portfolio and enhancing their operational capabilities.

Results: Our collaboration has enabled Software Circle to make strategic acquisition decisions backed by robust technical assessments, reducing risks associated with technology investments. The ongoing support provided to acquired companies fosters innovation and stability, ensuring that they can thrive under the Software Circle umbrella.

Strategic Advantage: With Wolf Logic’s expertise in technology due diligence and ongoing development support, Software Circle is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory. Our partnership not only strengthens their acquisition strategy but also ensures the long-term success and stability of the businesses they acquire.