Track Logic & Geo Points
A rail industry expert had identified the inefficiencies surrounding site assessments and the difficulties in obtaining general rail data. They would typically spend a large amount of time reviewing disparate data sources to build up site and risk assessments.
It was abundantly clear that too much time was spent gathering the necessary data for site reports, and this also made it very difficult to compile information so that it was ready to provide to stakeholders. By having access to more information and richer datasets, it meant that site and risk assessments would be more accurate, leading to safer working practices.
Our bespoke Software as a Service platform Geo Points is being used as the foundation for the tools required.
With the rise in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) throughout a number of industries and the increasing popularity of the platform, Geo Points is now being used by several surveying firms and is currently being rolled out to further businesses with a view to expand functionality and available data within the platform.
PDF reporting and other key features are available on request through a premium service. This will mean consistent reports, using the correct company branded format, can be sent to clients and others within the business for subsequent reference.
The datasets being integrated are a core piece to any surveyors arsenal of tools, available at their fingertips and ready to collaborate with colleagues. If you have a data rich idea you would like to implement and you’re not sure where to start, Geo Points could be the solution for you.
Get in touch now to find out and receive more information on products and services available.